Fan Commission Mad cover

This is a spot for me to talk about cartoons and post my occasional cartoon work that is now done less out of love that the need to finance my foray into fine art painting. Love for cartooning is still strong, it's just that I can't take working for demanding art directors so I do less of it. Here is a commission I just did for a Mad fan. I never got to do a cover when I was at Mad, not even for the one-hundredth episode of the strip, but I'm not bitter. ;-) The client is a family man who deals in fireworks so I had to keep the image/theam family friendly or I certainly would have had the bully sticking the firecracker in Monroe's ass with him losing a few feet of colon.
As much as I've been enjoying your fine art paintings on your other blog, it's great to see that you still dabble in cartooning now and then. You backgrounds from Ren and Stimpy were a huge influence on me as well as your other cartoon paintings, can't wait to see more artwork!
Thanks Dave,
This is my secret little site... I won't put stuff up as often, but will put stuff up...
I like this secret place! A balance of cartoon fun and fine art!
Hey Bill. I check your painting blog from time to time and I always enjoy your paintings. It is good to see some cartoony stuff too. I love the background on the MAD cover!
Yeah, I was just today wondering what happened with you and MAD. I just bought issue #470. Munroe is being drawn by someone else, Tom Fowler specifically.
Was Munroe your own creation that you lost to these guys? If so, that sucks. It would certainly make me think twice about doing anything for MAD.
Hey Kali,
No fine art here that's my other blog, this is just cartoon crap. This site will not be promoted , you must find it.
Hey Ryan,
God knows I got a tons of it. Maybe I'll post someting now... I paintied the background first, It got all my love.
Hey David,
I can't talk about it, but you certainly are free to let Mad know how your feel.
Yea! More Bill Wray blogs! I think you should start a new one every month. Just for the heck of it...
I wish I could , Its tough to keep up.
This looks like a whole lot of fun, Bill!
MAD magazine - over here in Austria MAD magazine was bought by some private television broadcaster trust who's "gag" authors are now (re-)writing the jokes and bring in own jokes. It is a very very dead magazine with very badly done art.
Hilarious cover, by the way !
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