never made it

The Beatnik was for a guy who wanted his image to say Jazz. I was so sure he would like it I went to final pencil on illustration board, before I ran out of steam. He wanted an million things added to the pencil so I passed on the job, giving it to Miles. He was smart and suggested three separate images instead of cramming them all in one. What the guy really wanted was Jim Flora meets Tim Biskup. I hate when people come to me and want something else besides my work.
The other was for a CD by and obscure space funk band from the eighties for some small foreign label. Everything went fine until the color stage. They didn't like my black light style color and wanted more detail, my problem was I agreed to do it cheap if they would promise not to try and art direct me. I alread made some samll changes in the pencil to be nice. They lied and pussed for the second time, so I told them to fuck off. I'll take art direction if you have a budget for it, otherwise please don't try to power trip for free.